Thursday, September 3, 2020
Module 5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Module 5 - Essay Example The quantity of visits made have a mean of 2.86 with a fluctuation of 4.87. The standard deviation is 2.21 affirming the spread of the information. Gathering A has wide varieties regarding among the gathering perceptions. As Richmond, R (2006) puts it, the measure of varieties in a gathering decide how the components of the gathering are spread and how the distinctions add up to. The laborers in bunch An are very not quite the same as one another and it won't be a smart thought to enlist them because of this. The two gatherings have a similar mean of 79.1 yet the laborers in bunch B have nearly similar attributes than in bunch A. With regards to getting the administrations of a specific gathering, Group B is in all likelihood because of its homogeneity. Gathering A has a standard deviation high over the normal of 24.12. In business, the mean is the best proportion of focal propensity. For instance when you are announcing the business you made in a day, the mean in the figure to utilize sine it shows what you have done in by and large. Then again, while managing in shares, the middle is the most significant as it shows the value which is the desire for some. It shows where numerous individuals might want or got their offers in. In sends out, the mode is the most significant since it decides the recurrence of working together just as the normal benefit. Mode is likewise relevant when one is managing expectation of future business
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet 5 Free Essays
Favorable circumstances DISADVANTAGES OF INTERNET GOOD MORNING TO MY RESPECTED TEACHER AND MY FELLOW FRIENDS TODAY I M GONNA PRESENT A SPEECH ON ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF INTERNET BEFORE COMING TO THE POINT I WOULD LIKE TO SAY SOME FACTS ABOUT INTERNET WHAT IS INTERNET? As per THE DEFINATION PROVIDED BY OXFORD DICTIONARY, THE INTERNET IS AN ARRANGEMENT OF CONNECTED COMPUTERS,WHICH LETS THE COMPUTER USERS ALL OVER THE GLOBE EXCHANGE DATA. AT THE PRESENT TIME, APPROXIMATELY 33% OF THE WORLD POPULATION HAS ACCESSIBILITY TO THE INTERNET. THE INTERNET IS AN EXTAORDINARY ENTERTAINMENT AND LEARNING TOOL THAT MAY BE UTILIZED IN A NUMBER OF MODES TO INCREASE THE ABILITY OF A USER TO COLLECT INFORMATION. We will compose a custom article test on Preferences and Disadvantages of Internet 5 or on the other hand any comparative subject just for you Request Now THE PRINCIPLE COMPONENTS OF THE INTERNET ARE THE WORLD WIDE WEB(WWW) AND E-MAIL INTERNET WAS CREATED IN THE UNITED STATES BY THE †UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF Defense ADVANCED RESEARCH PROJECTS AGENCY†(known as DARPA). IT WAS FIRST CONNECTED IN OCTOBER,1969. THE WORLD WIDE WEB WAAS CREATED IN SWITZERLAND IN 1989 BY A BRITISH MAN NAMED TIM BERNEERS-LEE. THE ALTERNATIVE NAME â€Å"NET†CAME FROM â€Å"INTERNET†The upsides of Internet Following are the focal points given by the Internet: ) Information The greatest advantage offered by the Internet is data. It works as a significant asset of data. You can discover any sort of data regarding any matter with the assistance of the web indexes like Yahoo and Google. 2) Communication The essential objective of the Internet is correspondence. It has done amazingly well in this field, anyway the improvement procedure is as yet proceeding to make it progressively reliable and snappy. By sending an email, we can contact an individual who is truly present thousand miles away inside the division of a second’s time. 3) Entertainment Internet works as a famous vehicle of diversion. A wide assortment of diversion including computer games, music, motion pictures, visit room, news and others can be gotten to through the Internet. 4) E-trade E-trade is the possibility that is executed for any type of business procedure or business exchanges that involves transmission of information starting with one corner of the world then onto the next. Online business has become an awesome alternative through which you can shop anything. 6) Services An assortment of administrations are offered by means of Internet, for instance work looking, web based banking, purchasing film tickets, inn reservations and conference administrations and so forth. At the point when you profit these administrations disconnected, they become progressively costly. The disservices of Internet Following are the impediments of Internet: 1) Spamming: Spamming indicates dispersion of spontaneous messages in enormous numbers. They are pointless and they superfluously obstruct the entire framework. These exercises are treated as unlawful. 2) Theft of individual subtleties While utilizing the Internet, there is high likelihood that your own subtleties like name, address and Visa number might be gotten to by cheats and utilized for fake purposes. ) Pornography: Pornography is unquestionably unsafe for your youngsters. There are various explicit locales accessible over the Internet and observing any of those can have terrible effect on the psychological wellness of your kids. 4) Virus danger Virus is a program that intrudes on the typical activity of your PC framework. PCs connected to the Internet have high likelihood of infection assaults and because of this your hard circle can crash, giving you a ton of difficulty. The most effective method to refer to Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet 5, Papers
Friday, August 21, 2020
Case Brief free essay sample
The Superior Court of Philadelphia County certified and Plaintiffs Appealed. The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania insisted. Issue: Did Defendant owe Plaintiff, at the hour of the mishap, an obligation of care when Plaintiff would one say one was mile away from the location of the mishap? Holding: Where a nearby relative is absent at the area of the mishap and rather takes in of the mishap from an outsider, the earlier information scholarly of the mishap fills in as a cradle against the undeniable effect of watching the mishap scene. Demeanor: Order attested. Lawful Rationale: Offended parties contends recuperation under the â€Å"reasonably Foreseeability†test, which would permit a Plaintiff outside the â€Å"Zone of Danger†to recoup, which was received in Sinn v. Burd, 486 Pa. 146 (1979). The Court expressed accordingly that the Plaintiff’s adaptable translation of the â€Å"jurisprudential idea †¦which require[s] that the defendant’s penetrate of an obligation of care proximately causes plaintiff’s injury,†was imperfect. We will compose a custom article test on Case Brief or then again any comparable theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Additionally, that â€Å"at some point along the causal chain, the progression of time and the range of separation command a cut-off point for risk. †Id. Equity Nix, citing Justice Andrew’s disagree in Palsgraf v. Long Island R. R. , 248 N. Y. ,352 contended open arrangement can't permit the Defendant to be answerable for each unforeseeable proximate reason that thus results from of the Defendant’s careless lead. Equity Nix as a matter of fact cites Sinn v. Burd, 486 Pa. , that â€Å"the respondent carried out owe a responsibility of care to the bystander†¦Ã¢â‚¬ However, he additionally notes â€Å"[f]oreseeability goes into the assurance of obligation in deciding if the passionate wounds continued by the offended party were sensibly predictable to the litigant. †Mazzagati at. 75. Equity Nix states that the Court has embraced the Dillon v. Legg, 68 Cal. 2d 728 () parameters in deciding if the case for Negligent Infliction of Emotional Distress was sensibly predictable. Equity Nix, besides, cites that the movement of the law and open strategy uncovers that: ‘[O]nly a couple of locales perceive the pr ivilege of the offended party observer who didn't endure an effect, was not in dread of his own wellbeing, and those purviews necessitate that the serious enthusiastic trouble to the offended party result from the immediate and contemporaneous recognition of the mishap. Mazzagati at. 276. Nix favors a commitment meaning of â€Å"duty†instead of a â€Å"causal grouping of occasions. †Mazzagati at. 278. In summation, Justice Nix held that the Defendant’s direct was not careless in light of the fact that it didn't include an intrusion of the Plaintiff’s lawful right, in this manner making the case unactionable. [ 1 ]. In Dillon, it was held that a reason for activity is expressed when the accompanying rules are met: (1) Whether the offended party was situated close to the location of the mishap as appeared differently in relation to one who was a good ways from it; (2) Whether the stun came about because of a direct enthusiastic effect upon the offended party from the tangible and contemporaneous observances of the mishap, as stood out from taking in of the mishap from others after its event; and (3) Whether offended party and the casualty were firmly related as diverged from a nonappearance of any relationship or the nearness of just a far off relationship.
Tuesday, June 9, 2020
The New Digital LSAT is Coming to an LSAT Testing Center Near You in July
The Law School Admissions Council (LSAC) is rolling out a couple of changes for test-takers this summer. First, the LSAT is going digital. It’s about time, right? As a former admissions committee member, reading handwritten LSAT writing samples was a struggle. I counseled many applicants to take the sample seriously – committees read it – and to try not writing like a serial killer. Seriously, some writing samples were hard to get through. A digital test is great for all constituents! Benefits of the new digital LSAT: Eliminating human error The good folks at LSAC very slowly pursued this new computerized format for good reason: they were developing their own platform to best serve the integrity of the test. In July, LSAC will administer the test digitally to half of the test-takers after years of research and planning. Those taking the test digitally will receive a tablet with their registration information preloaded, streamlining the entire process from start to finish. No separate answer sheets or No.2 pencils needed. No longer will admissions committees receive an LSAT addendum with the sentences – â€Å"I realized I mis-bubbled a whole section on the answer sheet†or â€Å"The proctor did not announce time remaining appropriately.†These types of human error will become obsolete as takers are answering directly on the tablet and will have onscreen time notifications. It appears the test will be user-friendly in all facets. hbspt.cta.load(58291, '8faaf271-80cb-41b3-a622-71c8cc152e73', {}); Digital LSAT tip: Stay cool! Hopefully, the years of research and planning will mean a smooth rollout in July and all possible issues will have been contrived and solved prior to administration. If you are one of the lucky July tablet test-takers, remember to keep your cool in the face of any malfunctions – LSAC will have extra tablets on hand to swap out almost immediately and know that all of your work will be saved every ten seconds or so. The LSAC is confident that they are ready for the transition to digital and will provide test-takers with the best exam experience available. As a test-taker, remember, even in its new user-friendly iteration, the LSAT should not be taken lightly. Study and prepare in advance. Don’t take an official test â€Å"to see how you will do.†That is why practice tests exist. Check out a free resource to prepare for the new digital LSAT test at Khan Academy, an LSAC partner. The new format should be good for all. Let’s hope the rollout is successful! The LSAT plays a significant role in law school admissions. You need to be able to analyze your score, determine if you should retake the exam, and then choose which law schools to apply to based on your competitiveness. Check out Accepted’s Law School Admissions Services and work one-on-one with an expert advisor who will help you with your LSAT strategy and any other components of your application! Christine Carr is a Harvard graduate with over 15 years of admissions experience, including nine years as Associate Director of Admissions at Boston University School of Law. She has read over 10,000 personal statements and counseled thousands of prospective applicants through the application process Want Christine to help you get Accepted? Click here to get in touch! Related Resources: †¢ 5 Fatal Flaws to Avoid in Your Law School Personal Statement, a free guide †¢ The New Digital LSAT: Everything You Need to Know †¢ Acing the LSAT, a podcast episode
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Young Goodman Browns Transformation - 1083 Words
Goodman Brown in the short story â€Å"Young Goodman Brown†by Nathaniel Hawthorne goes on a journey into the woods to meet a stranger which ultimately changes his life. His blind faith in his religion makes him believe that all people are good. Goodman Brown is a trusting, naive man in the beginning if the story but witnesses a witch ceremony that changes his personality drastically. Seeing his family and his neighbors taking part in the sinful act changes his outlook on life and his outlook on their personalities as well. Brown’s blind faith in people and his naivety make the shock of what he sees in the woods turn him into an untrusting, paranoid man. Young Goodman Brown goes from being overly trusting to becoming a paranoid, untrusting†¦show more content†¦Due to his naivety, Goodman Brown continues on his journey with the stranger, to spite what Faith and his instincts tell him, which ultimately turns him into a corrupted man. When the reader first meets Goodman Brown he is departing from his young wife, Faith. Faith urges young Goodman Brown to stay with her and not go on his journey but he refuses, assuring her that his journey is one of no real danger: A lone woman is troubled with such dreams and such thoughts, that shes afeared of herself, sometimes. [†¦] My journey, as thou callest it, forth and back again, must needs be done twixt now and sunrise (620). Faith tells Goodman Brown about nightmares she has been having and how she wishes that he will stay beside her. Goodman Brown ignores her warnings and continues on his journey as if it is just a trip to the grocery store. After meeting the stranger, Goodman Brown inquires about turning back but the stranger has other ideas in mind: Let us walk on, nevertheless, reasoning as we go, and if I convince thee not thou shalt turn back, We are but a little way in the forest yet. Too far, too far!’ exclaimed the Goodman, unconsciously resuming his walk (621). The stranger wants Goodman Brown to continue on his path, and even though young Goodman Brown desires to turn back towards Faith, he is easily swayed to keep walking with the stranger. Hawthorn says he unconsciously resumes his walk,Show MoreRelated Analysis of Setting in Young Goodman Brown Essays877 Words  | 4 PagesAn analysis of the setting in Nathaniel Hawthornes Young Goodman Brown In the story of Young Goodman Brown setting plays an important role. It provides symbolism to certain events and provokes emotions amongst the characters, especially those of Goodman Brown. The story of Young Goodman Brown is that of a man on an adventure to feed his curiosity and to visit the dark side of his Puritan town. Once he arrives at the destination of his adventure, he realizes that many of his elders haveRead MoreAnalysis Of Young Goodman Brown 1285 Words  | 6 PagesPerceiÃŽ ½ed through the archetypal lens, the short story, Young Goodman Brown, by Nathaniel Hawthorne asserts the uniÃŽ ½ersal idea that eÃŽ ½il lurks within eÃŽ ½ery man. Taken as a whole, the work conÃŽ ½eys that humanity can easily fall ÃŽ ½ictim to innate selfish instincts as well as society’s damaging influences. The main character, Young Goodman Brown, treks on a journey that challenges him to uphold his innocence and his belief in a decent mankind as he discoÃŽ ½ers corruption in people. T he allegoryâ€â€a storyRead MoreEssay on Rip Van Winkle1682 Words  | 7 PagesThe characters in Rip Van Winkle and Young Goodman Brown written respectively by Washington Irving and Nathaniel Hawthorne leave their individual communities and return with radically different perspectives (of their current lives) that change their attitudes and way of life in the remaining of their lives. Both stories are set in early American villages, Young Goodman Brown takes place in the 1700’s New England puritan settlement while Rip Van Winkle takes place over 100 years later in an EnglishRead More The Heros Journey in Hawthornes Young Goodman Brown Essay example1249 Words  | 5 PagesThe Heros Journey in Young Goodman Brown nbsp; Faith is accepting what you are taught or told without trying to prove or disprove it, rather than discovering it through experience.nbsp;Those who believe in God have faith. It has not been proven that God exists; similarly, it has not been proven that humans are kind, honest, and good by nature. Young Goodman Brown is a character in Young Goodman Brown, who leaves his known world in Salem village and travels an unknown road in a dark forestRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book Young Goodman Brown And Other Hawthorne Short Stories 922 Words  | 4 Pagesjourney in the forest ends with a life changing experience. Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Young Goodman Brown and Other Hawthorne Short Stories. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 July 2015. This article includes the pervasiveness and secrecy of sin and evil alive within people. The focal point is that Brown is introduced in the story as a man of faith, but the reader slowly discovers that even the purest man can change. Brown transformation occurs as he enters into the dark forest, which can be seen as a sinful act andRead MoreThe Black Cat, By Edgar Allan Poe1240 Words  | 5 Pagesshort story â€Å"The Black Cat†and Nathaniel Hawthorne’s â€Å"Young Goodman Brown†feature allegorical representations of characters deceiving themselves in order to deny the darker aspects of their inner selves. In Poe’s â€Å"The Black Cat,†the narrator denies the darker aspects of his soul by abstracting his horrific actions with spectral evidence in order to externalize the psychological effects of his guilt. In his allegorical tale â€Å"Young Goodman Brown,†Hawthorne criticizes the Puritan doctrine of graceRead MoreLiterary Analyzes Of Young Goodman Brown1746 Words  | 7 PagesLiterary analyzes of Young Goodman Brown Young goodman brown by Nathaniel Hawthorne is a story about a normal man that ventures into the forest to meet an old man who attempts to tempt him into going deeper into the woods to worship the devil. After the old man convinces him that everyone that he loves and respects is going to the devil’s ceremony he gives in. In Young Goodman Brown, Hawthorne effectively uses the personality and psychology of the Characters along with symbolism to portray the themeRead MoreCompairison of Young Goodman Brown and No Country For Old Men900 Words  | 4 PagesThe story Young Goodman Brown by Nathaniel Hawthorne depicts a man whose inner desire is to experience the evil forbidden forest, as well as retaining his image as a, â€Å"good and honest Christian.†This internal conflict is also portrayed in the movie No Country for Old Men, which was directed and written by the Coen brothers. In the movie the main character, Llewellyn Moss, is confronted with the moral dilemma of eit her keeping the drug money he found or calling the police. Although he morally makesRead MoreComparison Between A Good Man And Young Goodman Brown 798 Words  | 4 PagesBoth â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find â€Å"and â€Å"Young Goodman Brown†has the elements of religious belief using allusions and moral coding. When comparing the main characters of both short story, it’s interesting how they compare and contrast on their beliefs. In â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find,†Young Goodman Brown undergoes a transformation that shifts from similarities of the grandmother to the Misfit. With beliefs alike to both the Misfits and the grandmother’s, Brown’s persona alters from his naive viewsRead More Transcendentalism and Hawthornes Young Goodman Brown Essay3499 Words  | 14 PagesTranscendentalism and â€Å"Young Goodman Brown†       â€Å"Young Goodman Brown†manifests characteristics of the onetime Transcendentalist beliefs of its author in its abundance of symbolism and in its emphasis on individuality and personal responsibility.  Let us briefly review the life of the author up to and including his brief acceptance of Transcendentalism. Nathaniel Hawthorne was born on July 4, 1804 in Salem, Massachusetts, to a family that had been prominent in the area since colonial
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Legacy Of Health Care Reform Essay - 1403 Words
Health care reform is not a new concept in fact it has a long history in this country and has been on many political platforms. In 1948 Harry Truman had national health insurance on his campaign platform as part of the new deal but it never came to fruition due to democratic opposition and socialist fears (Christiansen, 2012). In 1965 president Johnson did have some success with signing Medicare and Medicaid into the social security act as well as President Nixon with the Health Maintenance Organization Act (Christiansen, 2012). In the years following many other presidents have tried with little success to fill the gaps in health care coverage. Under President Reagan’s administration the Medicare Catastrophic Coverage Act attempted to help with prescription drug coverage only to be repealed in 1989. President Clinton also tried for insurance reforms but he could not gain enough support for his plans. In 2003 President Bush was finally able to sign in the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act so that after 38 years seniors on the Medicare program would finally have prescription benefits (Thomas, Lee, Lipton, 2004). Moving forward again to 2009 a bill was introduced and then signed by President Obama in 2010 is what is now known as the Affordable Health Care Act. It has been met with both praise and criticism. The Affordable Health Care Act (ACA) was created with 3 primary goals in mind they are to make health insurance affordable and available toShow MoreRelatedBarack Obama s Accomplishments And Challenges Essay1718 Words  | 7 PagesPresident Barack Obama is seen as one of the most controversial presidents in the recent U.S. history. This paper will examine Obama s legacy by introducing his background prior to the white House; analyze Obama’s major accomplishments and challenges in the past 8 years. As well as examines the internal opposition force from the other branches of the government Obama faced when conducting domestic policy. Obama was born on August 4, 1961, in Honolulu, Hawaii, to a white mother from Kansas, StanleyRead MoreBill Clinton: How Will He Be Remembered1498 Words  | 6 Pagesdropped the crime rate, dropped our nations poverty levels and had some victories with international policies. At the same time we have health care that is falling apart, some problems with the military and a scandalous affair. Considering this one has to wonder what his legacy will be. A respected leader who learned as he went and made many valuable reforms? Or a president who didnt hold to his promises, and lied to the country? President Clinton has done many things during his presidency. SomeRead MorePolicy Making and the Federal System Essay841 Words  | 4 PagesSystem Obama’s Care â€Å"Medicaid – not Medicare Frances Johnson POL: 201 American National Government Instructor, Carol Parker July 12th, 2012 During the 2008 federal campaign, Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama placed comprehensive health care reform at the centre of his platform. In the light of the growing problems facing the US health care system, the time seemed ripe for another attempt to control health costs while expanding insurance coverageRead MoreThe Impacts Of European Colonization1193 Words  | 5 PagesIntroduction Cambodia holds an affluent and alluring history. Throughout this paper the writer will discuss different topics impacting Cambodia’s history, positive and negative impact of colonization, economic, political, cultural and social legacies, and to answer if western countries or colonizer are responsible to help solve some of the lasting problems of colonization. History The Stone Age introduced early humans in Cambodia to hunting and gathering food around 2,300 BC. The Me Kong RiverRead MoreThe Obama Affordable Health Care Politics920 Words  | 4 PagesThe Obama affordable health care politics has caused many fights among different groups who don’t seem to share and to agree on the politic behind the ACA. The purpose of this reading has mainly been to point out the reasons of the disagreement toward the ACA. The first reading written by Daniel Landford and Jill Quadagno show how factors such as partisans politics, policies legacy, provider groups, political values, racial groups and state fiscal capacity have cause states variation movements towardRead MoreBarack Obama s Influence On America1319 Words  | 6 Pagesopinions vary significantly across nations and regions. â€Æ' Chapter 10 Obama Legacy Obama will always be remembered for his foreign policy; however, he will primarily be known for the diplomatic overtures in China, Cuba, and Iran, the former concerning climate change and cyber security, the middle being a total thaw in relations, and the latter concerning fissile material stockpiles. The greatest blight on his foreign policy legacy will not be the intervention in Libya, but rather the use of expanded droneRead MoreA Research On Change Management1698 Words  | 7 Pagesfor Business Research in health care change management for healthcare policy workshop that is being done through funding from Canadian Institute of health Research Planning Grant. The workshop main goal is the interaction between queen Faculty of health sciences and school of policy studies that acquires knowledge all challenges facing health care system. In key sector stakeholders that are meant to develop vision for partner oriented research on health care policy reform. The research consists ofRead MoreHas the U.S. Lived up to its Founding Principles?1287 Words  | 6 PagesTHE PEOPLE, voted against the new health care bill. The bill will not go into effect until 2014, but many new regulations are up and running. The health care bill is a combination of tax hikes and cuts in Medicare. It is a $938 billion dollar health care bill. Many say that the bill is far too expensive and it will spend wastefully. By going through with this bill, we, American citizens will be taxed enormous amounts of money. â€Å"Last years sweeping health care reform law, assailed as an abuse of federalRead MoreEssay about Lyndon Johnson and the Great Society by John Andrew-a Review1326 Words  | 6 Pagesto expand upon and complete Roosevelt’s New Deal. This was a liberal program set up to ensure that the government staked more claim in aiding the citizens of the United States. This program touched on issues such as civil rights, education, and health care which were prevalent issues at the time, and that still have a major impact on society today. John Andrew lays out in detail in the book Lyndon Johnson and the Great Society these issues, as well as others. He gives each major topic a chapter, andRead MoreFlorence Nightingale : The Lady With The Lamp936 Words  | 4 Pagesenvir onmental conditions to contribute patient healthy. This value of historical knowledge obviously justifies what has been preserved across the generations, which nursing continues to follow Florence Nightingale’s Legacy in the 21st century. Introduction Florence Nightingale’s Legacy (1820–1910), was a nurse, an educator, administrator, communicator, statistician, policymaker, caregiver, humanitarian, and an environmental activist. She was considered the founder of education and scientific nursing
None Provided23 Essay Example For Students
None Provided23 Essay The Free Will Defense and The Problem of Evil After the World War II and the Holocaust, many Jewish and Christian people were left wondering why God would let such a thing happen. Many felt estranged, as if God had somehow abandoned them in their most desperate time of need. The world needed an explanation as to why God would let such a thing happen to his so-called children. This need for an explanation of why evil exists in a world that is supposed to have been created by an all-powerful and all-loving God has plagued religious believers for centuries. Because of this need, many scholars have sought out explanations. This search for an answer to the problem of evil has resulted in many theodicies, or defenses of God in view of the existence of evil. One such defense is known as the free will defense. The free will defense attempts to combat the problem of evil by rationalizing that evil is the result human action and therefore, God is not to be held accountable for it. This essay w ill discuss both the strengths and weaknesses of the free will defense. Before we can discuss the free will defense, we must define the different types of evil that exist. Philosophers distinguish between two types of evil that exist in this world, natural evil and moral evil. Natural evils are those evils that occur that are outside of our control, or more simply put, the evils exist in nature. These evils include natural disasters like earth quakes, floods, and tornados. They also include other forms of chance occurrences that are out of our control. Moral evils, on the other hand, are the evils that are in the control of humans and result from human action. They include things such as murder, rape, theft, etc. Evil, both natural and moral, creates many problems and contradictions regarding the existence of God. One such problem that has been created by the existence and abundance of evil in the world can be summed up into one logical argument: God is supposed to be all-loving and all-powerful, but how can he be all-loving and all-powerful and at the same time allow the existence of evil and suffering in this world. This is essentially the idea behind the problem of evil for many believers. It is also the basis for the argument that many disbelievers use to disprove the existence of God. There are many approaches taken by theologians to answer the problem mentioned above. The free will defense, in particular, is one of the most popular approaches. This approach makes its argument by attacking the purposed idea that an all-loving and all-powerful God cannot exist in a world where evil exists and is in abundance. The argument says that when God created humans, he gave us was the ability to choose our course of actions for ourselves. He did this because He wanted us to have the ability to choose on our own between right and wrong, good and evil, and believing in Him or not. God could not create humans without giving them free will. If He had done so, then human itys faith in God and their actions of piousness would mean nothing. We would essentially be robots. That is why God gave us free will, despite knowing that it would result in evil, suffering, and the questioning of his existence. The argument goes on to state that since humanity has free will, they are responsible for their own actions. The evil that exists in this world and the bad things that result from it are a direct result of human action. Humanity may be tempted by the appeal of evil, but regardless of this, it is still humanitys choice of whether or not to choose to commit evil. If humanity does indeed choose to commit evil, it is their fault, not Gods. Therefore, humanity is held accountable, not God, for the presence of evil in the world, because the choice to sin was made by humanity alone. Regarding the free will defense, some philosophers and theologians, like Ediegar Burkovitz, believe that while God is not held accountable in the here and now, he is held accountable in the afterlife. God may not be responsible for the evil that we create in this world, but He is responsible for giving us free will. God knew that humanity was bound to choose evil, because we are imperfect, and therefore, He is in some way responsible. All the innocent people that suffered because of the evil acts of others must be compensated in the afterlife for being faithful to God, in spite their suffering. This is why some believe that for the free will defense to work, there must be a dimension beyond time and history where all suffering finds its course. Biblical support of the free will defense can be seen in the story of Adam and Eve. In story of Genesis, God created a perfect world for Adam and Eve to live in, The Garden of Eden, where they had no need for want or sin. Adam and Eve might have had no need to sin, but God gave them the ability to choose their actions for themselves. Both Adam and Eve were tempted by the Devil to rebel against Gods commands and chose to s in. They made this choice of their own accord. This example of the Original Sin shows that when God first created humanity, He valued moral independence so highly that He gave humanity a sense of free will, despite knowing that they might choose to commit evil. It also reinforces the idea that humanity is responsible for its plight and the existence of evil in the world today. The free will defense is such a popular theodicy because it has such a logical way of explaining evil. It forces humanity to hold itself accountable for the evil that exists in the world and it gives good reasons for why this evil exists. As the logic goes, God could not eliminate evil without at the same time rendering it impossible to accomplish other goals that are important to Him. Certainly, for God to create human beings that are capable of sustaining a personal relationship with Him, they must be beings that are capable of freely loving Him and following His will without coercion. Unfortunately, the log ic of the argument fails when approached from certain angles. The free will defense provides a good explanation as to why moral evil exists in the world, but in order for the free will defense to work, it must adequately explain not only moral evil, but natural evil as well. This is where the free will defense is weakest. Some might argue that there are evil forces in the world that cause natural evil, and because of this God is not responsible for these evils. There is no proof, however, that such evil forces exist, so this argument fails. Others argue that humans indirectly cause natural evil, for example, floods caused due to deforestation. However, this argument fails too, because there are countless other natural evils that are not caused in any way by humans, like hurricanes or tornados. Natural evils that exist in the world are not the result of human action, but that of nature, which is attributed to God. The free will defense essentially fails to free God of the responsibil ity of natural evil; therefore, the free will defense cannot adequately answer the problem of natural evil since natural evil is not the result of human action. The free will defense is not entirely infallible when applied to moral evil either. One philosopher who has found flaw in this argument is John Mackie. Mackies argument is that, If God has made men such that in their free choices they sometimes prefer what is good and sometimes what is evil, why could he not have made men such that they always freely choose the good? Religions response to this argument is that if God had done this then it would still limit humanitys free will by not allowing humanity the ability to choose the bad in addition to the good. Mackie responds by saying that the church contradicts itself when it says that free will cannot exist in such a state because when the church seeks a happier or more perfect state of affairs than now existsthey are explicitly recognizing the possibility of a state of affairs in which created beings always freely choose the good. By this logic, Mackie is able to prove that it was indeed possible for God to create a world in which suffering does not exist in such abundance. Therefore, God is in some way accountable for the suffering that exists in this world, because he could have prevented it and still maintained free will. The free will defense is a very functional way of approaching evil in this world. It allows people to logically understand and accept the fact that evil is able to exist in a world that an all-knowing and all-powerful God created. This defense is not infallible; in fact, it has several flaws and critics. It does, however, adequately answer the problem of evil for many believers. It might not be able to turn the disbeliever into a believer, but it will provide assurance for those who feel doubt in their religious faith because of the abundance of evil that exists in the world. Theodicies are an important thing for the believer. The be liever must know that God is just, all-loving, and all-powerful, for his faith the be strong, and I believe, despite the inconsistencies in the argument, that the free will defense does indeed assure these things. 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Monday, April 20, 2020
Mans Search For Meaning Essays - Fiction, English-language Films
Man's Search For Meaning Viktor Frankl's concept regarding survival and fully living was developed through his observations and experiences in the concentration camps. He used his psychiatric training to discern the meanings of observations and to help himself become a better person. He uses analysis to develop his own concepts and describes them in steps throughout the book. When the prisoners first arrived at the camp most of them thought they would be spared at the last moment. The prisoners believed they had a chance of surviving, but this belief was eventually eliminated and it was at this time when the prisoners began to learn how to survive by using their internal strength. A sense of humor had emerged among the prisoners. This humor helped to get through some difficult situations they faced. Viktor also observed how much a person could really endure and still live. Even though the prisoners could not clean their teeth and were deprived of warmth and vitamins, they still were able to survive. The sores and abrasions on their hands did not suppurate despite the dirt that gathered on them from the hard labor. The challenge of staying alive under these wretched conditions was to have and maintain strong internal strength. During the time he spent in the camps, Viktor learned what was needed to survive and how to keep his internal strength despite his weakening external strength. During the second stage of Viktor's psychological reaction, prisoners lost their sense of feeling and emotion toward events that would be emotional to people outside the camps. This was a result of the violent environment, which consisted of beatings of prisoners and the death of many others. The prisoners could no longer feel any disgust or horror since these emotions where very common. From Viktor's professional point of view, this observation surprised him and also gave him a different point of view of the whole situation. The pain that hurt Viktor the most was the pain he felt when he received punishment for no reason. The punishments were of an insult, and hurt the prisoners on the inside more than on the outside. Viktor also acknowledged the fact that since the prisoners lacked the primary needs, they would dream about them and put all other needs aside. Since there was a lack of food Viktor depended greatly on his inner thoughts to get himself through the suffering. He needed some hope and a reason to live. He thought about his wife and the love that they shared. Every chance, he got he thought about pleasant events from the past to help get through all the hard times. The prisoners had a life of their own in their minds. At one point Viktor gave up on trying to control his life and in sending himself into the path he wanted. He decided to let fate take its course. After a while he found out that he could not allow this to happen, his inner emotions could not stand being helpless. He had to make decisions for himself if he wanted to have some control over his life and if he wanted to get out of the camp alive. When the camps were closing Viktor became the emotional leader of the remaining prisoners. He raised their hopes, and by doing this he was looking at the situation from a different point of view. He believed that life expected more from them and that they had to live in order to accomplish the unfinished work they had left behind when they left their home. When Viktor and the prisoners were released everyone except Viktor had no sense of direction. They did not know what was right and what was wrong. They went around and copied the actions of the SS, not knowing that it was wrong. Victor was fortunate and did not end up like the other survivors, since he had more knowledge than they did and was able to see his opportunity to live his life again. Viktor's concept applies to my life during the times when I am feeling bad or when I just don't know what to do. When I am have tremendous amount of work and I don't know when or how I will get through it I think about how it will turn out in the future. I know that I will get through the difficulty alive, unlike the situation that Viktor and the other prisoners were going through. I just look forward to the future and acknowledge the fact that
Sunday, March 15, 2020
gender and sexuality essays
gender and sexuality essays Gender and Sexuality in Arab and Western Society Gender s view in most of its related states is a conservative approach that is often implemented by force. The Arab s why these two regions should be discussed and compared in a sociological study. Sex that refers to the biological differences between men Sexual relations in Middle Eastern societies have historically articulated dominant and subordinate social positions, adult men on the higher social status, women, boys, and slaves on lower social positions. The distinction made by modern western sexuality between sexual and gender identity, between kinds of sexual degrees of masculinity and family, have until now had little affect on the Middle East. The Middle East as a whole doesnt recognize the complex realities of multiple and changing positions of sexuality and identity. A recent study of family politics in Cairo says that sound taboos and the silent neglection to sexual behavior show some space for discussion. People keep incidents of homosexuality and premarital sex or adultery hidden away from society in order to protect their social backgrounds and to sustain their so-called family values in addition they indulge in episodes of sexual violence such as honor c...
Friday, February 28, 2020
Financial Markets and Institutions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Financial Markets and Institutions - Essay Example (Govori, 2005) The financial market is divided between investors and financial institutions. Financial institutions are organizations, which act as agents, brokers, and intermediaries in financial transactions - usually a bank that keeps custody of an investment or assets. Agents and brokers contract on behalf of others while intermediaries sell for their own account. For example, a stockbroker buys and sells stocks for us as our agent, but a savings and loan borrows our money (savings account) and lends it to others (mortgage loan). The stockbroker is classified as an agent and broker, and savings and loan is called a financial intermediary. Brokers and savings and loans, like all financial institutions, buy and sell securities, but they are classified separately, because the primary activity of brokers is buying and selling rather than buying and holding an investment portfolio. Financial institutions are classified according to their primary activity, although they frequently engage in overlapp ing activities. The types of instruments exchanged in financial markets include promissory notes, commercial bills or bank-accepted bills. Other types of securities include treasury notes issued by a government, commercial papers and certificates of deposits. Why do we need financial markets and institutions One of the indicative signs of a robust economy is a dynamic exchange or circulation of money by business and government activities. This is where the financial markets play a significant role. Financial markets facilitate the movement of funds from those who save money (meaning idle money) to those who invest money in capital assets. Financial markets mobilize funds and reallocate them to uses that generate better returns than can be achieved by the holders of the funds through securities traded in the financial markets. Simplistically, they provide a convenient place where savers can safely invest excess money and consumers can easily borrow funds and be used for various purposes to further fuel the economy of a nation. What role do they play in a nation's economy The financial markets and institutions play a number of important roles in the financial system. The financial markets price funds so that businesses and governments can make rational economic allocations of capital. Business and/or government may decide upon a time pattern for expenditures that does not necessarily coincide with their current or expected income flows. Financial markets allow time adjustments in the payments for goods. Without them, there would be no opportunity to earn interest on savings, and expenditures would be limited to current receipts and cash. Savings allows many consumers to postpone consumption and to receive returns from investments. Another important function of financial markets is that it distributes economic risks. On a larger scale, the financial markets transfer the massive risks from people actually performing the work to savers who accept the risk of an uncertain return. The chance of failure for a $500 million computer chips manufacturer may be divided among thousands of investors living and working all over the world. If the computer chips business fails, each investor loses only part of his or her
Wednesday, February 12, 2020
What Is Variance Analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
What Is Variance Analysis - Assignment Example But it is of prime importance that management; especially the supervisors acquire full explanations of the reasons for these variances otherwise such variance analysis would be no good for control purposes. Variances are of two types, favourable and unfavourable. The favourable variance means that the budgeted and the actual costs and revenues are the same as forecasted by the budgeting department of the company, whereas unfavourable means the opposite of it. In any manufacturing concern, the variable cost comprises of direct material, direct labour and variable production overhead cost. The responsibility of material price variance lies with the purchasing department. If the material price variance is unfavourable, then it should be an indication for the managers the prices of the raw materials have increased or the purchasing department has carelessly overstocked the inventory level during the current operational year. The adverse material price variance could also be due to change in material standard. The managers while analyzing the budgeted and actual profit should take care of the aforementioned factors. On the other hand, material usage variance usually occurs due to defective material and excessive waste of the material during the production. It has also been observed generally that material usage variance also occurs due to fault in an allocation of materials to jobs. The managers should ensure that materials of higher quality a re used during the production process and allocation of materials to all the jobs is done prudently. Another important direct cost is the direct labour cost. Labour rate variances tend to be fairly minor because usually the labour rates are agreed with the labour unions and there is a minor chance that these rates changes after the agreement is entered into. [ "What is variance analysis? ] Labor rate variance, however, may occur because of the use of a single average rate for a department, operations, or craft, while several different rates exist for the individual workers. Â
Friday, January 31, 2020
Baker and McKenzie Law Firm in Worldwide Markets Research Paper - 1
Baker and McKenzie Law Firm in Worldwide Markets - Research Paper Example Baker and McKenzie is an American law firm based in Chicago city. The firm has a total of 3774 attorneys, 1349 partners, and 2425 associates (Baker and McKenzie 1). Baker and McKenzie law firm tops the list of the most successful law firms in the United States. The firm is renowned to have redefined the worldwide law firm of the 20th century in order to meet the global economic challenges of the 21st century. The 3774 lawyers are located in over 70 offices worldwide. The firm has a unique way of working, thinking and behaving. The function across borders and they deal with a wide variety of issues as well as practices (Baker and McKenzie 1). Baker and McKenzie law firm understands the economic challenges facing the globe, and for that reason, it has been of the forefront of matters since the firm’s opening in 1949. Laws that work in Baker and McKenzie law firm include financial litigation, product liability, aviation law, capital markets, bankruptcy, business and industry, com mercial law, insolvency, intellectual property, international law, international trade, and investment law. The firm also deals with consumer law, contracts, copyright, corporate governance, and corporate law among others (Baker and McKenzie 1). The firm has advised leading companies on matters of today’s incorporated world market. Baker and McKenzie law firm has cultivated the tradition, commercial simplicity, and technical, as well as interpersonal skills, vital to offer world-class service tailored to the needs of world-class customers globally.
Thursday, January 23, 2020
Tess Being a Victim of Fate in Tess of the DUrbervilles Essay
Tess Being a Victim of Fate in Tess of the D'Urbervilles â€Å"The president of the Immortals had done his sport with Tess†In his novel Tess of the d’Urbervilles Thomas Hardy expresses his dissatisfaction, weariness, and an overwhelming sense of injustice at the cruelty of ‘our’ universal fate disappointment and disillusionment. Hardy puts out an argument that the hopes and desires of Men are cruelly saddened by a strong combination of fate, unwanted accidents, mistakes and many sad flaws. Although Tess is strong willed and is clearly educated emotionally and mentally she soon becomes a victim of ‘fate’. Many people would say that Tess was just unlucky, â€Å"Had a stroke of bad luck,†others would prefer to differ and argue that she has fallen into fates hands. In order to decide whether her story is one of bad luck or bad judgement we need to look into closer detail at her account. Tess is introduced to the readers as a pure and innocent young lady dressed all in white, which symbolizes virginity and purity, whilst her physical appearance suggests a form of innocence and naivety. Hardy proposes that maybe her innocence and purity comes from her lack of experience with people, love and danger. This can be seen when she is exposed to new and different environments and forces. Hardy also introduces class and status very early on, Tess comes from a lower class yet she can make herself seem in a higher status due to her education. Tess’s first encounter of bad luck is when she kills the family horse, Prince. Tess is with her brother Abraham in their wagon whilst discussing about the stars and how they are worlds just like Earth. Tess continues with saying that, â€Å"Most of them splendid and sound-a few bligh... ...e may feel that the choice has been taken away from her and it is a case of survival. Hardy has a strong sense of accidental, coincidental, fate and bad luck. However it is trying to decipher which events are what. For example there are hints that Tess preordained to be murderess, and early in the story, when Prince dies, â€Å"Her face was dry and pale, as though she regarded herself in the light of a murderess.†I believe that many actions that took place in her life were not always bad luck were not always fate but just the path that she led. However her constant bad luck caused her to make bad judgements which then caused us the readers to believe it is fate. To conclude Tess’s innocent and beauty proved to do her no good and she was also unaware of her sexuality. Her lack of common knowledge and wanting from her also made her susceptible to other men.
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Custom Mold Inc
Case Study Background Custom Molds Inc produces custom made molds for plastic parts and manufactures connectors for the electronics industry. The father founders of Custom Molds Inc are father and son, Tom and Mason Miller, in 1987 which is located in Tucson, Arizona. Tom Miller who is a mechanical engineer, had vast experience in the connector industry with AMP. Mason Miller is a double degree holder in chemistry and chemical engineering, a graduate from Arizona State University.Originally, the company manufactured electronic connectors with source of high quality, custom made molds for producing plastic parts. They worked closely with their customers so that they can meet the customers’ requirements and their mold have to meet the exact standards and have to be unique. Once the customers have moved from the design and pilot-run stage of development to large-scale production, they will place orders for multiple molds. Custom Mold’s reputation grew with the years as a d esigner and fabricator of precision molds.With the reputation, the Millers decided to expand into the limited manufactures of plastic parts and new equipments were added such as ingredient mixing facilities and injection molding equipment. In the mid-1990s Custom Mold’s reputation grew to include being a supplier of high quality plastic parts. Due to limited capacity, the company decided to concentrate its sales efforts on supplying parts that were used in limited quantity for research and development efforts and in preproduction pilot runs. Production ProcessesBy 2000, Custom Molds operations involved two distinct processes which are fabricating molds and producing plastic parts. Both the processes are inter-connected for an instance, when a customer places an order, Custom Molds both fabricate a mold and produce the necessary parts to support the customer’s research and design efforts. All fabrication and production operation were housed in a single facility. Fabrica tion molds requires a skill-oriented, craftsman-driven process. When an order is received, a design team, consisting of a design engineer and one of 13 master machinists, reviews the design specification.Working with the customer, the team comes up with the final specification for the mold and passes it to the master machinist for fabrication. At the same time, the specification is given to the purchasing department, who orders the required raw materials. It usually takes about three to four weeks for the raw material to arrive. Once the materials have been received, the plant master scheduler reviews the workload of the assigned master machinist and schedules the mold for fabrication. Fabricating a mold usually takes up to two to four weeks, depending in the amount of work the machinist already has scheduled.The fabrication process takes only three to five days. Once completed, the mold is tested and inspected, where it is used to produce a small number of parts on one of the injec tion molding machines. If the mold passed the required specification, it is then sent for cleaning and polishing, and then packed and sent to customers. If at all the mold fails, it is sent to the maser machinist for retooling and the process starts all over. Currently, Custom Molds holds a lead time of nine weeks for delivery of the molds. The manufacturing of the plastic parts is different from mold fabrication.An order for parts may be received in conjunction with an order for a mold to be fabricated. For instances, if the Custom Molds already have made the molds, an order may be jus for parts. If the mold is already available, the order is reviewed by the design engineer, who verifies the part and material specifications. If the is any doubts, the design engineer will contact the customer and clarifies the doubts. Once the parts and raw materials are accepted, orders are placed for the raw materials and production in scheduled for the order. Chemicals and compounds used for the manufacturing are ordered and received within a week.When received, the compound is dry-mixed and blended to achieve the correct composition. Then the mixture is wet-mixed to the desired consistency, called slurry, for injection into molding machine. When ready, the slurry is transferred to the injection molding area by an overhead pipeline and deposited in holding tanks adjacent to the injection machines. The whole process takes only one day. When the slurry is staged and ready, the proper molds are secured from the inventory or from the clean and polish operation if new molds were fabricated for the order and the parts are manufactured.Although different parts require different temperature and pressure settings, the time to produce a part is relatively constant. Custom Molds has the capacity to produce 5000 parts per day in the injection molding department; historically however, the lead time for handling orders in the department has averaged one week. Once molding is completed, t he parts are taken to the cut and trim operation, where they are disconnected and leftover flashing is removed. Once inspection is completed, the parts are either taken for assembling or transferred to packing and shipping area for shipment to customer.If assembly of the final parts is not required, the parts will be sent to customer within two days after being molded. Sometimes the final product needs assembling. Typically, this entails attaching metal leads to plastic connectors. If assembling is need, additional three days are required before they can be sent to customer. Customs Molds currently have a lead time of three weeks for parts not requiring fabricated molds. The Changing Environment In the early 2009, Tom and Mason Miller realized that the electronic industry they supplied and their own business was changing.Electronic manufacturers have decided to make their own components to reduce cost and ensure timely supply of parts. By the 1990s, this trend has changed. Manufactu ring were developing strategic partnerships with the parts suppliers to ensure the timely delivery of high quality, cost effective parts. This has allowed for other funds to be used on other uses with larger return on investment. During the same period, Custom Molds started to have issues with delivery. Customers were complaining to delay in the delivery of the parts instead of the promised dateline.When asked about the situation, the master scheduler stated that it is difficult in determining when a particular order will be delivered. Bottlenecks were occurring during the production process, but where and when it will occur cannot be predicted. The bottleneck started to move to other operations. Tom Miller thought that that he had excess labor capacity in the mold fabrication area. He came up with a solution to push through the schedule by assigning one of the master machinist to identify the expediting those late orders. However, the tactic wasn’t effective. Complaints abou t late delivery were still coming in. o add on to the problem, two defective parts were returned. Tom Miller knows something has to be done. 1. What are the major issues facing Tom and Mason Miller? The Electronics industry to which they supplied was changing very rapidly The millers are facing the shrinking size of their core market; traditionally fabrication. These changes impact both the fabrication and the manufacturing sides of the business. For fabrication, although the number of orders remained around the same, the market for multiple molds was shrinking, so the absolute number of fabricated was reducing.The Demand for multiple molds is declining Earlier Custom Molds used to produce custom designed molds in majority but through the data provided we can analyze that in the last 3 years, the company has been getting more and more orders in the production of plastic parts consistently and the orders for custom molds have been decreasing. This calls for a mass production of plast ic parts. Inefficient Testing and Inspection Process It has been mentioned in the case that two orders were returned recently because of number of defective parts in those batches.This can be attributed to the inefficiency of the testing and inspection team. The transportation, packing, shipping etc. costs have to be incurred by the company and could have been avoided if the testing and inspection been rigorous. Increase in order sizes for plastic parts There has been a shift in demand from custom molds to plastic parts. Therefore there is a need to change the layout of the plant to something more suitable for mass production. Difficulties Meeting Quality Objectives As demand characteristics increased for manufacturing parts, there was consequent increase in lead time on parts.Customers are complaining about the late delivery of the products. This will lead to loss of credibility in front of their customers. Bottlenecks were occurring throughout the manufacturing process and quality issues were increasing. There was unplanned growth beyond the available capacity given the process issues. There were numerous non-value-adding processes throughout the workflow including delays, many inspection steps, storage and transport. Parts were not being manufactured at optimum speeds and as pressures of late deliveries and mounting backlogs built up. Thus, the quality of finished goods suffered. . What are the competitive priorities for Custom Mold’s Processes and the changing nature of the industry? Previously a. High quality product Custom Mold previously strive for top quality product for their customers and grew reputation of one of the most consistent company that strive for quality products b. Flexibility in customer orders Customization was their priorities. They fully concentrate on customers orders requirements and needs and try their best to meet those requirements. c. On time delivery Custom Mold managed to deliver all of their products to the customers w ithin the required timeEarly 2009 Due to changing nature of the industry, more customers are making strategic partnership with supplier to ensure the timely delivery of high quality and cost effective parts. As we can see, the competitive of the industry, the demand is changing and Custom Mold also must be aware of this. They must change their competitive priorities to continue compete in the industry. They might have to change their layout for molds from job shop to small batch process in this changing process. Below are the suggested competitive priorities: a. Consistent quality productsThey should maintain the quality of their products b. Cost effective They might achieve this by changing the layout from job shop to small batch process. Small batch process allows products to be made in larger volume and low variety from the job shop process. High volume tends to reduce cost per unit and can directly lowered the operation cost. c. On time delivery With customers focus on on time s hipment for their products, Custom Mold cannot simply overlook to this competitive priority. On time delivery ensure the customer trust to them and they have to be excellent on that. 3.What alternatives might the Millers pursue? What key factors should they consider as they evaluate these alternatives? Short term alternatives a. Layout of the plant should be changed Custom Molds need to change the plant layout from job shop to assembly line. This is because the company is getting more orders for manufacture of plastic parts consistently over the last three years. The demand form from the customers changed from highly customized and high quality to cost effective and timely delivery of high quality products are the strongest proof why they need to change their argument. . Identify bottlenecks in production process This is important in order for Custom Molds to retain their clients. The bottlenecks might be due the process layout in the company. Two different process for a different p roduct might overlap each others and create confusion to the process. c. Improve the efficiency of Testing and Inspection Team As has been mentioned in the case, two orders have been rejected by the customer. For this not to happen again, the efficiency of Testing and Inspection team needs to be improved. Long Term Alternatives a. Investment in Research and DevelopmentCompany would be better off to invest in R&D in order to stay ahead of its competition. R&D can often show ways to reduce costs by maintaining the same quality. b. Expansion Plans As the orders increase, company should plan for some expansion plans or some new plants to cater to increasing demand. c. Phase-out the production of Custom Molds As the numbers of orders for Custom Molds are decreasing consistently over the last 3 years, the company should look out for phasing out the production of custom molds as the company may start losing out money.Recommendations 1. Shift to Assembly Line As the number of orders for big order sizes are increasing for plastic parts, the plant layout should be changed from job-shop to an assembly line production. 2. Operational Excellence The company should focus on overall efficiency in terms of process, movement and inter-department communication. 3. Market Research The company should do extensive market research to ascertain customer’s needs and use it to determine the needs of facility and human resources.
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Internet Privacy A Growing Concern - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 5 Words: 1521 Downloads: 4 Date added: 2019/07/01 Category Law Essay Level High school Tags: Internet Privacy Essay Did you like this example? The expanding issue which I believe people all around the globe should be more aware of is internet privacy. A user’s convenience of being able to use the internet comes with a critical responsibility of concealing their personal information online as best as possible. Online privacy is a primary human right and without it, all activities on the web are liable to be handled and scrutinized by committed corporations. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Internet Privacy: A Growing Concern" essay for you Create order Advertisers are tracking all of a users movements as they browse through several platforms on the web. Techniques such as cookie profiling are used to trace and formulate specific biographies on internet habits. Even though these unethical practices dont deter some, there are still many who keep matters of internet privacy at the top of their priority list as I suppose they should. Internet privacy, also known as online privacy, is a growing concern in the world we dwell today. Users of the internet are entitled to personal privacy when it comes to the information they store on various web software of their devices, yet it’s becoming increasingly challenging to manage private assets online. With such a considerable amount of people using the internet for their needs, users should be educated on the basic rules of safety regarding their digital footprint. According to Javelin Strategy, 17 million Americans have been affected by identity theft in 2017. Criminals on the web use malware and phishing procedures to hack into a multitude of online accounts to steal whatever information they can, and this is something that violates a crucial right of a user’s privacy on the internet. Even though the online universe provides people with a great selection of panels in which they are allowed to roam across the web in the comfort of their privacy, there are b oth positive and negative sides to this debate. The world has evolved in more ways than one, and the same goes for the internet. As the times change day by day, it’s best to always be updated, especially regarding something as sensitive as the nature of internet privacy. It isn’t touched upon as much as it should be in schools throughout the nation and the lack of knowledge upon this topic within the children of this generation makes for quite a large amount of future predicaments simply waiting to unfold. If people aren’t instructed about internet privacy and topics of the sort, they won’t be fully prepared to take on all the hazards on online platforms they utilize most. Only with proper knowledge can situations such as identity theft be avoided. The internet privacy which users are provided with certainly helps in various ways. One method is how it may present protection to younger users. Cybercriminals lose the ability to take advantage of easy targets online with strengthened levels of internet privacy. Being warned by browsers of the credibility status regarding particular web pages or false advertisements which begin dragging users down into misleading depths let people have a quick glimpse into just how dangerous the online world can turn out to be. Severe measures may be taken if anything gets out of hand over the internet, which is why online privacy allows web users to make their own decisions of personal information while assisting in the removal of viruses and fraudulent declarations along the way. Another possible positive aspect that online privacy offers may be how the internet keeps data safe enough for people to gain self-confidence through the actions they take and the statements they make online. Users of the web feel safer sharing comments behind an anonymous icon and username than they are in their own skin in the real world. This does help in building esteem in one way, but this also has a negative impact on many. Instead of using internet privacy as a positive outlet, many also hide behind anonymity just to post abusive and hateful commentary wherever they see public remarks are allowed. This creates the ability to harm others which is unjust. On the other hand, internet privacy also promotes innovation as it’s a blank and equal canvas for all. Without the privacy given to users online, ideas would be stolen far too often from each other and projects with potential would almost be nothing more than a waste of time when found in the wrong hands. Internet privacy also lets everyone have a chance to seek their own voices instead of letting them be waltzed around like marionettes. With top companies running the news sources in America, those businesses have the power to inform citizens of only snippets of a story instead of parts they choose to cut out to benefit themselves or corporate partners. Int ernet privacy can change this and, with the help of given anonymity, it encourages the freedom of the press so independent presses can cover events in alternative ways for users to get full details instead of lacking the knowledge they desire. Although people don’t seem to acknowledge the fact that their business online is being traced and stored throughout every day, it appears that their concern regarding this delicate issue only grows once they become a victim. The freedom that has been given to users online should be dealt with responsibly and maturely before they make a mistake concerning their privacy online and it comes back to mess up their entire lives. This is why even if internet privacy doesn’t get touched upon much in the educational system, it should be explored very widely once lessons regarding the topic are taught to children. If they start losing interest in these matters, their online lives may just take sharp turns straight down to paths of online w reckage and havoc. It’s true that companies online may take advantage of weak consumers with faulty connections that aren’t entirely secure, but some steps can be taken to have online privacy be protected. For example, if someone is wary of what companies use their data to their benefit, they can merely use safe browser extensions to give control over whether or not the sites they visit collect information about them and send them to other related companies or not. The information of users is precious, and they should understand that once they post something on the internet, the options they have to get that post deleted are minimal. Safety is a top priority when it comes to internet privacy, and not only should children start being educated on this, but people of all ages as well. People should learn how to protect themselves online, especially when almost everything and everyone can be found on the internet with just a few clicks and keywords. It may be argued that internet privacy is harmful because not only does it give everyone the freedom to post whatever they’d like about another being, whether the post is positive or negative, but having such privacy online also allows m any to slip into roles that are not, by any means, theirs. It’s too easy to assume the identity of someone else on the web due to how private profiles may be, which makes identity theft strikingly easy as well. However, there are always measures to be taken for whenever hate comments get uploaded or someone strange attempts to start a conversation. There are always risks to activities online, but protection is available from making sure to use only reputable websites to using strong and complicated passwords. Other steps that can be taken to protect personal information is clearing browser history and cache regularly to make sure that the browser is clear, avoiding shopping on unsafe sites, and avoiding to expose personal data on sites with low levels of security. Overall, although internet privacy appears to be a tricky subject with many different topics ranging from security hazards to identity thefts, I firmly believe that whatever privacy we are given on the web should rightfully be treated with respect, and companies should be stopped from making money off the information and data of users that visit their site, links, and advertisements. Even though privacy online is almost rare to find due to how transparent the government is with the personal information of internet users, steps should still be taken to protect whatever is left to be guarded. Anonymity is almost non-exist in the online world, but internet users may protect their privacy through very measured exposure of information. To keep themselves safe on the web, people must be careful with what they submit and view. When acquiring merchandise or filling out forms, bits of data start being tracked and, because the person may not have protected their information, companies begin se nding those users spam and advertising on products similar to their purchases. Overall, internet privacy is an integral part of web users’ everyday lives. Safety and personal security must remain a priority, especially with all the new hacking techniques starting to be used by cybercriminals. If people don’t begin taking care of what they post online, they might just find themselves in situations they never even thought they’d be in
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