Monday, December 30, 2019
Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare Essay - 757 Words
Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet are described as a pair of star-crossed lovers. Write about the way in which fate is shown to contribute to their tragedy. Romeo and Juliet would have been performed to an Elizabethan audience. The Elizabethan audience believed very strongly in fate and fortune. They believed in the power of herbs, the sun and the stars. Herbs had to be picked at certain times of the day for them to work, according to the stars. There was also the belief of a Wheel of Fortune which changed continuously. Fate was destined to happen and no one could alter it. Right from the beginning of the play we know that Romeo and Juliet have death marked†¦show more content†¦Her parents however feel that she is longing for her dear cousin Tybalt and think that marriage will improve on her sadness. In Elizabethan times sadness often lead to madness which was another reason to why Lord Capulet wanted to marry his only daughter. Juliet decides to take a distilling liquor drink which will give her the borrowed likeness of shrunk death deceiving all who are close to her. They also defy fate when they both kill themselves to be together in heaven. Romeos and Juliets actions are influenced by fate because if fate had not done what he dare they would not have acted so irrationally. In a way Romeo and Juliet also made their own fate in the methods above because they continuously challenged fate and acted at speed. The play has a number of incidents when it is suggested that fate plays a part. In every act there is an event when you can detect fate and the Wheel of Fortune turning. The first incident is how Romeo and Juliet meet. They meet at the Capulet party and Romeo shouldnt even be there as he is a foe as he is a Montague. As soon as Romeo sets eyes on Juliet he feels her beauty is too rich for use and is instantly in love. So right from the beginning fate plays a part as it brings the star crossed lovers together. Fate also plays a part as Romeos and Juliets love hasShow MoreRelatedRomeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare619 Words  | 3 PagesRomeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare is a play written in the 16th century that’s about a tragic love story between two teenagers who come from rival families, yet fate brings them together and despite the grudge that each family holds for the other; they fall in love. Throughout the story they hide their love from other people especi ally their families and marry and when Romeo is banished for murder they conceive a plan to run off together. From this story, we learn how two teenagers deceiveRead MoreRomeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare818 Words  | 3 PagesThroughout history, Shakespeare has been given credit for the popularizing of tragedies, causing a tragic hero to be seen as a reputable character. 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